Monday 16 May 2011

AP Macro Project

Yes, we did the AP exam and dim sum (not Rebecca).

Now we have some extra time, we will do a project.

I just borrowed some project ideas from University of California.

Since we are just high school students, we will do 3 out of 6.
I really like #4, so let's all do that one and you can pick the other 2. If you like, you can change U.S. to Canada to make it more relevant to us. We will have presentation of your findings/graphs/analysis when we are done.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Everything You Need to Know Lesson

Today we have a summary class and I gave you a package of all the available AP Written Sections from 2003-2010. I gave you the 2006 and 2007 exams before.

Natalie will go through 2007 exam with the class on Wednesday.
For Thursday (badminton game) and the weekend just study for the multiple choices.
Monday MC test in class.
Tuesday Nick will do 2009 exam.
Wednesday Rebecca will do the 2008 exam.

Watch this video 10 times:
AP Macroeconomic Exam - Every Graph You Need to Know for the Exam
(Laffer curve and Lorenz curve are not in the exam)

Another summary website:

Monday 2 May 2011

AP Exam Prep

The AP Exam is next week Thursday! It is so exciting!

Our mind should focus on the exam now. First read p.15-31 of the book to understand strategies to do well on the exam.

Then do the diagnostic test on p.35 to see which areas you need to brush up for the exam. When you are ready, do the real Practice Test at the end of the book (p.259).

The remainder of the week, practice written section.
We will have a test next Monday.

We will have lesson tomorrow in the lab. Make sure you are there.