Monday 16 May 2011

AP Macro Project

Yes, we did the AP exam and dim sum (not Rebecca).

Now we have some extra time, we will do a project.

I just borrowed some project ideas from University of California.

Since we are just high school students, we will do 3 out of 6.
I really like #4, so let's all do that one and you can pick the other 2. If you like, you can change U.S. to Canada to make it more relevant to us. We will have presentation of your findings/graphs/analysis when we are done.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Everything You Need to Know Lesson

Today we have a summary class and I gave you a package of all the available AP Written Sections from 2003-2010. I gave you the 2006 and 2007 exams before.

Natalie will go through 2007 exam with the class on Wednesday.
For Thursday (badminton game) and the weekend just study for the multiple choices.
Monday MC test in class.
Tuesday Nick will do 2009 exam.
Wednesday Rebecca will do the 2008 exam.

Watch this video 10 times:
AP Macroeconomic Exam - Every Graph You Need to Know for the Exam
(Laffer curve and Lorenz curve are not in the exam)

Another summary website:

Monday 2 May 2011

AP Exam Prep

The AP Exam is next week Thursday! It is so exciting!

Our mind should focus on the exam now. First read p.15-31 of the book to understand strategies to do well on the exam.

Then do the diagnostic test on p.35 to see which areas you need to brush up for the exam. When you are ready, do the real Practice Test at the end of the book (p.259).

The remainder of the week, practice written section.
We will have a test next Monday.

We will have lesson tomorrow in the lab. Make sure you are there.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Spirit Week Apr 26 Exchange Rate

Today will be the last day of lesson in AP Econ! Then we will switch gear and prepare for the AP Exam on the 12th. (we still have some time)

Today's topic is Exchange Rate
1) watch video "Exchange Rate"

2) another video "Current Account Deficits and Exchange Rates"

3) 2 worksheet
06_how_monetary fiscal_policies_affect_exchange_rates


Thursday 21 April 2011

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Apr 20 - Chapter 9

This is our last chapter!

After we finish this chapter, we will start preparing for the AP Exam.

3 concepts in this chapter: comparative advantage, international trade, and foreign exchange.

Read the book for comparative advantage then watch the following video:
1)Absolute and Comparative Advantage

2)Comparative Advantage and Trade

Copy all document in R://AP Economics/Chapter 9

3) Do the following worksheet:

Have fun.

Monday 4 April 2011

Week 7 Apr 4-8

We have 3 more chapters to go. Let's start Chapter 7. Make sure you understand what you are reading and memorize some of the key concepts.

After you read about inflation, watch this video:

After you read about fiscal policy and stabilization policy, watch this video:

Have fun.

Monday 7 March 2011

Week 6 - Let's talk about Money

Let's move on to the next chapter. Put whatever you have for chapter 5 in the handin folder. I will look at them later.

Today: Chapter 6 the financial sector! Let's talk about money. Read the chapter. And do review question 1-10. Now make your own quiz for this chapter (10 questions). According to Tim, the quiz maker does not allow you to create a new quiz. What you can do is to add questions to your existing quiz.

Monday 28 February 2011

Feb 28 - Chapter 5 con't again

1) Hand in (copy and paste) your 6 completed worksheets at R:/AP Economics/handin/.

2) Watch the video "Episode 25: Macroeconomic Viewpoints"

3) Complete the following worksheet
- "Short-Run Equilibrium Price Level and Output"
- "Reconciling the Keynesian and AD-AS Models"
- "Using the AD-AS Model"
- "The AD-AS Model in the Short-Run and Long-Run"
- "LRAS and the PPC" (a great review about LRAS and PPC)

Thursday 24 February 2011

Feb 24 - Chapter 5 con't

Hand in your completed WS to Mr. Cheng.

We will continue with the major concepts in Chapter 5. Do the following:

1) View video "Episode 24: AD & AS" on youtube

2)View video "Episode 26: Fiscal Policy"

3)View video "MEC and Accelerator investment theories"

4)Complete the handouts
a)"Investment Demand"
b)"Intro to Aggregate Demand" and
c)"Intro to Short-Run Aggregate Supply"

Tuesday 22 February 2011


The handout is located in R://AP Economics/Chapter 5

Copy the document to your own drive first.

1) View the video, "Keynesian Aggregate Expenditure Model"

2) Complete the handout, "Kenynes' AE Model."

3) View the video, "Propensities to Consume & Save"

4) Complete the handout, "Practice with APC, APS, MPC, & MPS."

5) View the video, "The Multiplier Effect"

6) Complete the handout, "Magic Multiplier".

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Day 13 - Feb 16 Unemployment

1) Watch video "types of unemployment" and "unemployment rate" here:

2) Read unemployment (p.91-93)
3) Complete the "Type of Unemployment" worksheet and hand in
4) Test yourself by answering the review questions on p.94-95 and Free-response question on p.96.
Answers in p.97 to 99. Read the explanation and learn the language of economists.

Friday 11 February 2011

Day 10 - Feb 11 GDP and inflation

1) watch video "GDP and GNP"

2) Do the worksheet individually first, then together

3) watch video "Inflation Rates"

4) Do the worksheet individually first, then together

5) Hand in worksheet

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Day 9 Feb 10

Do you have your free MacDonald this morning?

1) Finish the case study from yesterday's reading: Caterpillar.

2) Fix the explanation for the convex shape of the PPC.

3) Start the next chapter. Chapter 4 Measurement of Economic Perforamnce. Start with p.87 and read to p.90 including Inflation Measurement.

4) Let's compare the GDP, unemployment rate, and inflation for the following countries:
Canada, US, Japan, UK, Germany, Italy, and France
for the past 3 years.

(Do you know why I pick these 7 countries?)

If the information is ready, also compare China, India, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Indonesia, and Turkey.

(why I pick these 7 countries?)

Day 8 Feb 9 Supply and Demand Curve

1) First try out each other quiz.

2) Today we are going to do some case study for the Supply and Demand Curve.
Go here:
Read the first 9 pages up to "The Concept of Elasticity"

3) Then go to p.19 read the first two points of the Summary.

4) Do Question #1-7 and Case Study "The Comeback of Caterpillar" (skip all Elasticity questions)

*write answers in blog

Friday 4 February 2011

Day 6 - Feb 7

1)make a link to my blog from your blog (Tim will show you how)
2)Do the quiz. No discussion DIY. Try not to use the book at first. Hand in when done.

3) Create a 10 MC review for Ch3 here:

Try below for sample

a) Click "Create Quiz"
b) Create an account and log on
c) include images you download from internet (use, type PPC and you have tons of graphs)
d) create a GOOD quiz, not an easy one. At the end of the quiz, post it to

e) sample product:

Day 5 Feb 4 Demand, Supply, Market Equilibrium

1) Quickly review the PPC and we will do a quiz:

You can use your note but you cannot cheat. Enter your quiz score in the blog.

2) Next read the "Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium" p.78 to p.83.

You need to understand and MEMORIZE the 5 broad changes that affect the DEMAND CURVE and the 6 broad changes that affect the SUPPLY CURVE. Copy the points in your blog.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Day 4 Feb 3

Production Possibilities Curve

1) Read p.75 to p.78 up to Trade and Comparative Advantage

Try to understand why the PPC is a convex shape, rather than a concave shape.

Day 3 Feb 2

Economic System

1) Read Economic Systems p.74-p.75
2) List 10 countries for each economic systems.
3) Answer the 3 basic economic questions on p.74 in your blog.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Day 2 - Feb 1 Basic Economic Concept

Read p.71 to the top of p.74

Answer the three economic questions that any society must answer, regardless of its political form (on p.72). Use the following economics terms when answering the questions:

Opprtunity Costs

Welcome to AP Economics!!! (Day 1 - Jan 31)

watch together and stop at 8 second.
Discuss the question: HOW can we get more people to choose the stairs instead of the escalator?

1) Get a copy of today's newspaper and go to the Finance section. Pick an article that is of interest to you.

2) Write a blog entry of why you pick this article. Write down 10 economics/finanical terms from the article. Write the definition for each term in your own words.

Welcome to AP Economics!